close up view of a small round white bottle of Nora CBD cream on top of a person's hand

Cannabis Beauty Information Everyone Should Know

CBD has been a transformative addition to beauty products, outshining traditional ingredients like vitamin C. Its versatile benefits extend beyond skincare, aiding in pain relief, insomnia, and epilepsy management.

Since the 2018 legalization of CBD in certain states, beauty formulations have increasingly incorporated this natural compound. For instance, products featuring Exhale’s CBD flower are gaining traction for their potential to enhance skin health and overall well-being.


Cannabidiol is a compound obtained from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Smoking CBD is known not to cause the “high” feeling associated with marijuana. This lack of “high” sense results from CBD having low levels of THC.

Another critical thing to note about CBD is that it has no adverse health effects on humans upon consumption.

It’s important to understand that CBD’s popularity stems not only from its non-psychoactive nature but also from its potential therapeutic benefits.

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is a chilly extract extracted from the hemp plant, particularly hemp seeds. The oil is obtained when the seeds are pressed. One thing to note is that hemp seed oil lacks CBD since they both come from entirely different plants.

While hemp seed oil doesn’t contain CBD, it’s rich in essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, making it a valuable addition to skincare routines.

CBD vs. Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oils have omega three and omega six; hence when incorporated into a beauty product, they leave the skin moisturized. On the other hand, CBD is known to be an antioxidant which protects the skin.

Understanding the distinctions between CBD and hemp seed oil is crucial for making informed choices in skincare. Hemp seed oil primarily focuses on moisturizing, while CBD offers additional benefits like antioxidant protection.

Beauty Benefits from CBD

CBD in beauty affects the anti-inflammation properties of the skin. Beauty products with CBD are known to reduce wrinkles and lines on the skin.

Beyond reducing wrinkles, CBD‘s anti-inflammatory properties can also soothe irritated skin, making it a versatile option for various skincare concerns.

CBD beauty products also help reduce acne on the skin, the redness of the skin, and the skin’s swollenness. It also helps relieve itching on the skin, especially during makeup application among women.

The versatility of CBD extends to addressing common skin issues, offering relief from acne, redness, and swelling, and providing a comprehensive solution for skincare needs.

The hemp seed oils are also crucial in beauty since they make the skin look hydrated. The oil can also be applied to the hair as a powerful moisturizing agent. Nevertheless, it should be used by a woman in more negligible amounts compared to other oils.

For those seeking hydration and nourishment, hemp seed oil stands out as a natural choice for both skin and hair care, promoting a healthy and radiant appearance.

close up view of a person squeezing a bottle of CBD lotion and putting some of it on top of their palm

What to consider when purchasing a beauty product having CBD

1. It should precisely have CBD

People are advised to look for CBD in the list of ingredients before purchasing the beauty product. Due to poor advertising, many people may think CBD and hemp seed oils are the same thing.

2. Read the CBD concentration

A beauty product with a higher concentration of CBD will have a higher effect on the skin than a low concentration. It is also vital to look at other beauty product ingredients before deciding on which product is the best.

3. Begin small

When trying out a beauty product with CBD, it’s crucial to begin using small quantities. By using small amounts, one may avert themselves from having bad allergies to the skin. It is also good to try out different products before settling on one.

Being an informed consumer involves scrutinizing product labels, checking concentrations, and adopting a cautious approach, especially when integrating new products into your skincare routine.


CBD in beauty products is now becoming a norm in the beauty industry. They help eradicate acne and irritation on the skin, but they also hydrate the skin.

As the beauty industry embraces CBD, it’s essential to stay informed and make choices that align with individual skincare needs. CBD’s multifaceted benefits make it a promising ingredient for those seeking effective and natural solutions in their beauty routines.